I'm sure everyone has heard of this game by now, and if not, you're about to.
1. Go to your facebook profile.
2. See who the first five people on your randomly generated friendslist thingy on the left side of the page are.
3. After seeing and listing them, consider their various zombie fighting skills and then decide on your survivability rate.
4. Post this to make them feel either awesome or like future Zombie Food.
I think I'm gonna start doing this EVERY DAY. So pay attention!
My Zombie Apocalypse Team for 5/20/2011 is:
Townsend Eric Thorndike
Amy Stewart
Melissa Johnson-Hill
Jennie Breeden
Danielle Pacheco
Survival Rate: 98.18%
Since Townsend is an artist, he and Amy can so totally make us up to look like zombies so we can fool them. Plus Jennie Breeden would probably scare the crap out of the zombies. Or become a double agent. Melissa... uh. Not sure, but I'm pretty sure she can swing a shovel competently, unless she has some other zombie apocalypse weapon of choice. Danielle? Mah cousin be a hairdresser. Do you have any idea how awesome it would be for her to style wigs on mannequins as decoys?
And that, my friends, is how you play the FACEBOOK ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE GAME! Tune in tomorrow to see who is on my next team and whether or not they'll get all of us eaten.
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