Hrmmm... this kind of thing can certainly mystify me! On one hand I do like to talk about myself, but I hate appearing conceited.
My name's Jo, I'm 21 years old right now. I am a college graduate, Associate's Degree in Health Information Technology. I have Asperger's Syndrome. I have a very random and sometimes strange sense of humor.
I play World of Warcraft, read lots of Webcomics, roleplay, watch a lot of TV and I also write stories! I also write this blog, which spawned from me occasionally writing these letters to things on facebook and a friend commenting and saying they thought they were funny. I figured, maybe it would make a good blog thing! So, here I am, trying! :D
I'm not a Gator Faerie, that much is certain... you gotta have thumbs to type and gators don't seem to have those. The Gator Faerie is the drawing up there by the start of this, just a scribble I made once when I was really really bored!
...Okay, I promise I'm not a gator.
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Not A Gator |