As some of you may know (primarily family or people who are forced to be in close proximity to me while I talk their ears off) I have polycystic ovarian syndrome. Now, the gist of this is my ovaries totally go "Y'know what would be awesome? HIGH CHOLESTEROL AND BLOOD SUGAR YAAAAY" and frigs my body chemistry up.
As some of you may ALSO know, I have recently been prescribed a
medication that has been helping me to lose weight. (Next weigh in is this sunday! woooo) What this stuff does is it makes my stomach not empty itself so fast so I feel fuller faster and fuller longer when I eat or drink stuff. So far it has been absolutely wonderful and I've almost lost 30 pounds on this stuff.
The downside...? Yeah. I recently learned what 'feeling fuller longer' can do to me. When I go to school, some days it's a 4-8 hour day sitting in a classroom while my butt gets tired. What happened on THIS PARTICULAR THURSDAY was that I took my pathophysiology midterm and went home. What I failed to realize was that I had forgotten/neglected to eat lunch because I didn't even feel hungry so I figured why should I eat? That's just more calories and calories will turn me into a big ol' fat hippo again. (I don't know why I chose hippo, perhaps because it's fun to say.)
If you are ever in close proximity to me on a day I have neglected to eat and you notice this? Force me to eat a banana or a sandwich or some manner of food item I can stomach. Because what happened later was amazing. Due to my body being insulin resistant, I'm used to being hyPERglycemic and having to restrict any and all sugar intake.
When I got home from the midterm, it was only noon. So I talked to my mom for a bit and we ended up in the car to go swimming at my aunt's house. I ended up having to have mom pull over so I could retch and attempt to vomit becasue I had nothing in my belly and apparently I didn't have any bile either. Luckily--and what probably saved me from a diabetic coma--I had a half eaten bag of skittles in my jeans pocket. So I ate those on the way to my aunt's house and when we got there I got the idea to test my blood sugar to see if it was within normal limits.
Guess what my blood sugar reading was.
71. After eating SKITTLES. Skittles are like... pure sugar. How friggen low was my sugar BEFORE skittles if it only raised it to 71?! Friiiiiiig.
So now I have to be careful to at least eat 1000 calories a day or at least one sugary thing in absence of that. I'm not sure exactly, all I know is I don't wanna do that again because it took me 2 days to recover from it. :<
But so far? I'M STILL ALIIIIIIIVE!! *dances*