O.M.G. It has been entirely too long since my last apocalypse team was selected.
SHALL WE GET STARTED? (yes, I've had some sugar. And coffee. Be afraid.)
1. Brenda O'Brien
2. Gillian Hughes-Fenchel
3. Erin Shields
4. Emily Nicholson
5. Jennie Breeden
Well then, gogo estrogen gogo! Got an interesting team here. This'll be a challenge to calculate. Maybe.
1. Aunt Brenda! You seem to pop up in these teams quite a lot. Are you trying to tell me something? Anyway. I am STILL not sure what your zombie fighting capabilities are, but at the very least your house could probably be used as shelter from the impending hordes of undead.
2. Gillian. ...Yeah, I wouldn't mess with you if I were a zombie. I wouldn't put it past you to attach chainsaws to a shovel and go to town. I hereby request a photo of you wielding a shovel or a chainsaw to include in this post. You are a formidable undead fighter.
4. Emily has goats. And corgis. Both mortal enemies of the zombie. Emily has da minions.
5. I think just about anyone who has heard of or knows Jennie Breeden fully understands why zombies would not stand a chance against this boot-clad bottle of insanity. (For the uninitiated, go find the devil's panties comic and read all of them.)
Estimated survival chance: 100%
Jennie Breeden and Gillian in the same group? Zombies don't stand a chance!
Random letters to things, random thoughts and somehow gators are involved. The Gators sports team is NOT involved. Welcome!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Dear Pharmacology/Birthday
Dear Pharmacology,
Through dosages untold and drugs unnumbered I fought my way through--
Okay yeah. Pharmacology isn't looking to be as hard as I thought it was going to be. But durnit if I'm gonna come to class on my birthday this year for my first quiz? I wish I had a fancy costume or hat to wear to class to celebrate. After all, it's my FREAKIN' 21ST BIRTHDAY WHOOOOOO.
Not that I expect much hub bub over that. I do, however, have a small birthday wishlist just for the heck of it.
1. Galaxy Chocolate (ESPECIALLY MINSTRELS and normal milk chocolate bars.)
2. A cat tree for my kitties. (As you know Valoran tends to use ME as a climbing post in the absence of one.)
3. More underwears. Or clothing in general.
4. Winged Guardian mount for World of Warcraft.
5. Strawberry Daquiri
6. My first tattoo
7. New pillows, maybe even a body pillow.
Aaand that's all I can think of. Bweeeeh. Of course, other than cash. Cash is always good. *nodnod*
I'm gonna be 21. It's pretty trippy--and before you people who are 30+ start whining that I don't know what I'm talking about, stoppit. I'm allowed to be amazed at being 21, particularly SURVIVING TO 21. Do you know how amazing that really is?--because I realized that Michael J Fox is 50 this year. I've decided he is not ALLOWED to be 50 because Back to the Future is still one of my favorite movie trilogies of all time. So he's not allowed to be 50. Not until I'm 30.
Lessee. What else... OMG I HAVE TO DO A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE TEAM POST! Stay tuned!
Love Jo
Through dosages untold and drugs unnumbered I fought my way through--
Okay yeah. Pharmacology isn't looking to be as hard as I thought it was going to be. But durnit if I'm gonna come to class on my birthday this year for my first quiz? I wish I had a fancy costume or hat to wear to class to celebrate. After all, it's my FREAKIN' 21ST BIRTHDAY WHOOOOOO.
Not that I expect much hub bub over that. I do, however, have a small birthday wishlist just for the heck of it.
1. Galaxy Chocolate (ESPECIALLY MINSTRELS and normal milk chocolate bars.)
2. A cat tree for my kitties. (As you know Valoran tends to use ME as a climbing post in the absence of one.)
3. More underwears. Or clothing in general.
4. Winged Guardian mount for World of Warcraft.
5. Strawberry Daquiri
6. My first tattoo
7. New pillows, maybe even a body pillow.
Aaand that's all I can think of. Bweeeeh. Of course, other than cash. Cash is always good. *nodnod*
I'm gonna be 21. It's pretty trippy--and before you people who are 30+ start whining that I don't know what I'm talking about, stoppit. I'm allowed to be amazed at being 21, particularly SURVIVING TO 21. Do you know how amazing that really is?--because I realized that Michael J Fox is 50 this year. I've decided he is not ALLOWED to be 50 because Back to the Future is still one of my favorite movie trilogies of all time. So he's not allowed to be 50. Not until I'm 30.
Lessee. What else... OMG I HAVE TO DO A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE TEAM POST! Stay tuned!
Love Jo
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Dear Southwest Florida College,
I would like to inform you that if the phone call I received this afternoon is going to inform me that one or more of my classes are not available suddenly... this is what will happen to you:
Any questions?
Love Jo
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Dear NicePeter
Dear Nice Peter ,
Let me say first and foremost you are brilliant.
And let me say second YOU BROKE MY BRAIN.
And here's how:
I don't know which to commentate on first! I'M CONVINCED THEY'RE BOTH A MAN/WERE A MAN AT ONE TIME!
If I have an aneurysm my family is going to sue you. Just saying.
Love Jo
Also: Nice Peter wins the internet. This is the best youtube stuff I've seen in years.
And... I have suggestions for your future rap battles.
Nicola Tesla vs The Mythbusters (I'm fairly sure you could get the REAL Mythbusters on board for that.)
Malcolm Reynolds VS Captain Kirk.
Cleopatra VS Marie Antoinette
Jayne versus Worf.
Simon VS McCoy ("I'm a doctor, not 50 Cent!")
Spock VS Legolas
Arthas VS Sauron.
Gandalf VS Dumbledore (Kind of rigged, but still fun.)
Seth Green VS Seth McFarlane
Batman VS Superman/Spiderman
Varian/Anduin Wrynn VS Garrosh
Sylvanas VS Kerrigan
Stephen King VS Dean Koontz
Tamora Pierce VS Stephanie Meyer
Selene from Underworld VS Bella from Twilight
Rasputin VS Vlad the Impaler
Like these? I got plenty more where that came from.
I thought of a few more. Cuz I'm bored.
Sean Spencer (Psych) vs That Mentalist Dude (Y'know, the blonde one.)
Chris Rock vs Ralphie May
George Lopez vs Eric Estrada
Amy Lee vs Britney Spears
Casper vs The Ghostbusters
Let me say first and foremost you are brilliant.
And let me say second YOU BROKE MY BRAIN.
And here's how:
I don't know which to commentate on first! I'M CONVINCED THEY'RE BOTH A MAN/WERE A MAN AT ONE TIME!
If I have an aneurysm my family is going to sue you. Just saying.
Love Jo
Also: Nice Peter wins the internet. This is the best youtube stuff I've seen in years.
And... I have suggestions for your future rap battles.
Nicola Tesla vs The Mythbusters (I'm fairly sure you could get the REAL Mythbusters on board for that.)
Malcolm Reynolds VS Captain Kirk.
Cleopatra VS Marie Antoinette
Jayne versus Worf.
Simon VS McCoy ("I'm a doctor, not 50 Cent!")
Spock VS Legolas
Arthas VS Sauron.
Gandalf VS Dumbledore (Kind of rigged, but still fun.)
Seth Green VS Seth McFarlane
Batman VS Superman/Spiderman
Varian/Anduin Wrynn VS Garrosh
Sylvanas VS Kerrigan
Stephen King VS Dean Koontz
Tamora Pierce VS Stephanie Meyer
Selene from Underworld VS Bella from Twilight
Rasputin VS Vlad the Impaler
Like these? I got plenty more where that came from.
I thought of a few more. Cuz I'm bored.
Sean Spencer (Psych) vs That Mentalist Dude (Y'know, the blonde one.)
Chris Rock vs Ralphie May
George Lopez vs Eric Estrada
Amy Lee vs Britney Spears
Casper vs The Ghostbusters
Friday, June 10, 2011
Dear Cat
Dear Valoran,
I know World of Warcraft is addictive and looks like fun...
No buts!
Plus warlocks suck.
Love Jo
PS: When I publish a book I'll invest in designing a cat-friendly keyboard and mouse.
I know World of Warcraft is addictive and looks like fun...
![]() |
But Moooooom! I wanna be a warlock! |
Plus warlocks suck.
Nuh uh. Warlocks kick your ass every-- |
Love Jo
PS: When I publish a book I'll invest in designing a cat-friendly keyboard and mouse.
![]() |
Friday, June 3, 2011
(Also I lied, I don't have the attention span to do this every day. So I have to do it whenever I have the energy/will to do so. If you have a particular craving for one, feel free to tell me.)
For added fun, I think I'm gonna up my list to 7 members from 5 today. Because it's my team and I can.
*clicks* ...Holy crap.
1. Erin Shields
2. Diane Gutierrez
3. Alex Myers (Bagpipes)
4. Kayla Mortenson
5. Brenda O'Brien
6. Camille Lecointre
7. Ty Ritter
Okay, since I AM super bored, I am going to go into detail as to what each of these peoples brings to the table.
1. Erin Shields - Has experience in infiltrating zombie territory and is a mistress of disguise. Her skills to deceive the zombie population into believing that she is not only one of them but is the best zombie ever guarantee we'd always be one step ahead.
2. Diane Gutierrez - While I'm not sure just as to what my dear Aunt's previous experience fighting zombies is, I DO know she and I are both horror film buffs. That alone assures that she would at least not make the stupid mistakes everyone seems to be unable to resist in some of our favorite flicks. Her knowledge of horror film rules would be a definite plus.
3. Alex Myers - He's Scottish. The Scottish can do anything.
4. Kayla Mortenson - Kayla, sweetie, ilu, but I have NO IDEA what you can do to defend against zombies. Are you any good with flamethrowers or shovels?
5. Brenda O'Brien - My stepdad's sister. This almost requires her to be proficient with a shotgun or at least have the sense to shoot a loved one in the face if they're zombified instead of standing there like a fish outta water going 'buhbuhbut they're mah husband/daughter/sibling'.
6. Camille Lecointre - It isn't your birthday today, dude. I think you might end up dying first. Unless you of course have your mad acting and kung-fu skills. In that case you're going into a room first before me.
7. Ty Ritter - Oh man, you cosplayers. You probably have some clever way to use your costumes as armor or fake weaponry that can serve better as blunt objects than actual swords or such. Or at the very least you can go on the shovel brigade :D
Okay. Weighing all of this in and calculating it in my own lil' head... I and my team's survival rating would be: 103%
Am I still bored? ...well now that this is over, YES. I am.
EDIT: WAIT! Justin Digesu has supplied me with the most awesome zombiefighting instructional video EVER. Observe:
(Also I lied, I don't have the attention span to do this every day. So I have to do it whenever I have the energy/will to do so. If you have a particular craving for one, feel free to tell me.)
For added fun, I think I'm gonna up my list to 7 members from 5 today. Because it's my team and I can.
*clicks* ...Holy crap.
1. Erin Shields
2. Diane Gutierrez
3. Alex Myers (Bagpipes)
4. Kayla Mortenson
5. Brenda O'Brien
6. Camille Lecointre
7. Ty Ritter
Okay, since I AM super bored, I am going to go into detail as to what each of these peoples brings to the table.
1. Erin Shields - Has experience in infiltrating zombie territory and is a mistress of disguise. Her skills to deceive the zombie population into believing that she is not only one of them but is the best zombie ever guarantee we'd always be one step ahead.
2. Diane Gutierrez - While I'm not sure just as to what my dear Aunt's previous experience fighting zombies is, I DO know she and I are both horror film buffs. That alone assures that she would at least not make the stupid mistakes everyone seems to be unable to resist in some of our favorite flicks. Her knowledge of horror film rules would be a definite plus.
3. Alex Myers - He's Scottish. The Scottish can do anything.
4. Kayla Mortenson - Kayla, sweetie, ilu, but I have NO IDEA what you can do to defend against zombies. Are you any good with flamethrowers or shovels?
5. Brenda O'Brien - My stepdad's sister. This almost requires her to be proficient with a shotgun or at least have the sense to shoot a loved one in the face if they're zombified instead of standing there like a fish outta water going 'buhbuhbut they're mah husband/daughter/sibling'.
6. Camille Lecointre - It isn't your birthday today, dude. I think you might end up dying first. Unless you of course have your mad acting and kung-fu skills. In that case you're going into a room first before me.
7. Ty Ritter - Oh man, you cosplayers. You probably have some clever way to use your costumes as armor or fake weaponry that can serve better as blunt objects than actual swords or such. Or at the very least you can go on the shovel brigade :D
Okay. Weighing all of this in and calculating it in my own lil' head... I and my team's survival rating would be: 103%
Am I still bored? ...well now that this is over, YES. I am.
EDIT: WAIT! Justin Digesu has supplied me with the most awesome zombiefighting instructional video EVER. Observe:
Dear Sinus Meds
Dear Sinus Medications,
You... yeah. You make it hard for me to think when I use the off brand. The name brand lets me think like a normal person but the off brand is making me want to just put my head down in class and
forget what Iw as saying. Okay,k you suck. In summary.
Love Jo
You... yeah. You make it hard for me to think when I use the off brand. The name brand lets me think like a normal person but the off brand is making me want to just put my head down in class and
forget what Iw as saying. Okay,k you suck. In summary.
Love Jo
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Dear Homework
Dear Homework,
You are such a sadist. You honestly enjoy watching me squirm, avoid you, agonize over you and then inevitably caving into spending time with you, however unpleasant.
I think we should see other people.
It's not me, it's you.
Love, Jo.
PS: No really, it's you.
You are such a sadist. You honestly enjoy watching me squirm, avoid you, agonize over you and then inevitably caving into spending time with you, however unpleasant.
I think we should see other people.
It's not me, it's you.
Love, Jo.
PS: No really, it's you.
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