
Friday, December 6, 2013

Here we are again

Well, been a couple of months. No longer been seeing so many movies, brother had to be laid off from the lovely Edison 8 Cinema due to the economy sucking the life out of anything that isn't franchised.

As for ME... a lot of things have been happening. Emotionally I've been getting things under control slowly but still could use some assistance with it. Finally managed to see some doctors about my plethora of diseases.

And I might actually have a new one or two. Seeing a new rheumatologist prompted a bunch of varying blood tests and urine tests and MANY TESTS. This included an opthalmology visit in order to be sure my eyes were not damaged before starting me on new medications.

I expected to get an all-clear, nothing wrong, start the pills. Instead, it turns out that there is pallor on both of my optic nerves. This can indicate a lot of things, but the two biggies I'm concerned about are Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis. Now, we'd been testing me for Lupus, and the medications I was going to be starting on an all clear from the eye doctor were for Lupus. Lupus fits a lot of the symptoms I've been living with for most of my adult life and would pick up explaining things where Fibromyalgia left off. Unfortunately though, MS would also explain quite a bit and with my family history (Paternal side) MS seems the more likely culprit.

The idea that I may have a severe disease (or two) is scary, but right now the most surreal thing for me is having a symptom/sign that is visible to a doctor. Something they don't have to take my word on. Optic disc pallor is not something that can be faked. And it's something that I was shocked to hear I had. Or that it was fairly serious. All of my life I've had pain that had no visible cause... and now? I don't feel like a hypochondriac. It's amazing and terrifying at the same time.

I'll try to keep things updated here, no promises on amusing content or interesting content. But, that's me for ya. :)